Be Love at Sacred Grounds

I love open mics. I have two favorites in San Francisco that I make every time I’m in town — Hotel Utah on Mondays, and Sacred Grounds on Thursdays. It is in places like Sacred Grounds that the culture begins, where it wells up right from the ground, not manufactured or corporate or in service…

Breakup Songs

I keep working my way closer to recording in strict just intonation. Here’s one I did today, of my song Breakup Songs.   The acoustic guitar is in equal temperament, and the bass and vocals are untempered. I love singing harmony when the fretless bass is playing lattice notes. Sometimes I feel like I’m sliding…

Real Girl at Shell Cafe

I often have the pleasure of singing at one of Steve Key’s Songwriters At Play showcases. These are held several times a week in San Luis Obispo area. There’s a lot of talent in the county, and Steve books many good traveling acts. These tend to be excellent shows. Brian Jeffrey is one of those…

Real Girl

I’ve added a new recording to the Audio page. It’s the first time I’ve consciously written a song using the lattice. The chord progression is especially influenced by how it appears visually. I was moving colored bits of glass around throughout the process, aiming for beauty, tension and resolution. The music tells a small story, of…