Back Story
Music is the thread that stitches my life together. I was born singing, as are we all. My parents loved to sing and they both had beautiful voices. They met in a musical play in college.
I remember our house as being filled with music, especially jazz and harmony vocals. Stan Kenton, the Mills Brothers, Sons of the Pioneers, and all the big bands. Sing Sing Sing at Carnegie Hall. Cool Water. All from the Curtis Mathes stereo, literally a piece of furniture, as big as a couple of dressers. I loved that sound, LPs coming out of that big resonant wood cabinet.
With my sister, we had four good voices, and singing harmony in the car was a highlight of growing up. My sister and I started writing songs together when we were kids.
I troubadoured randomly around the country with a guitar and the clothes on my back (hey kid, can you play that thing? hop in!), formed a rock’n’roll band, sang Christmas carols professionally, did singing telegrams in a chicken suit, and continued to write and record. I spent most of my “serious” career designing electronics for the remarkable L.R. Baggs Corporation in California. They make beautiful, innovative equipment for amplifying acoustic instruments.
I’ve become increasingly focused on music over the past five years or so. About two years ago, I began working full time on music and almost nothing else. Soon after, I had a huge epiphany, the best intellectual and spiritual experience I’ve ever had.
Next: Pythagoras’ Epiphany