A couple of good recordings
Jody Mulgrew and I are putting together a few shows in the next few months, and for rehearsals, I’ve been recording versions of some of my songs. Jody and I blend like brothers, so the emphasis is on the harmonies. I especially like the way Flying Dream and Breakup Songs came out. That’s me singing the high part. I’m so looking forward to performing these with my friend. First show is at Steynberg Gallery in San Luis Obispo, on February 8. We’ll also be playing Bazaar Cafe in San Francisco on March 9. Here are the demos:
Breakup SongsĀ BS Jody 2-8
Flying DreamĀ FD Jody 2-8
Enjoy! If you’d like to be updated about these and other shows, please let me know through the contact page, and I’ll put you on the email list. I send something out a few times a month.