Tonal Gravity
I believe that the great driving force in tonal music, that creates the drama and story of the music itself (independently of any lyrics), is the longing for home.
Home is the tonic. If a song is in the key of A, all the A’s in their various octaves will sound like home.
Although there are many exceptions, most music begins on the tonic, to show the ear what key the piece is in, and ends on the tonic, to bring the listener home again. In between, the music wanders, out and back again, creating tension and resolution.
One of the beauties of the lattice is that it shows a clear graphical display of this tension.
It’s as though the tonic creates a sort of gravitational field around itself. It acts a lot like real gravity. The chords and notes move in this gravitational field, like planets and moons around a sun. The gravitational field follows a few basic rules:
- Movement away from the center creates tension; movement toward the center gives a sense of resolution.
- Notes that are overtonal from the center, generated by multiplying, located to the right and up, will feel more resolved. Notes that are reciprocal, generated by dividing, to the left and down, will feel unresolved.
- The closer you are to the center in your journey, the stronger the sensations of tension and resolution are. The field is stronger closer in, just like real gravity.
- The closer together two notes are, the more consonant, or harmonious, they will be when sounded together. The farther apart they are, the more dissonant they will be, the more they will clash.
Roots generate local gravitational fields. I think of them as Jupiter to the tonic’s Sun. When the root is on the 5, for example, it shifts the gravity field to the east on the lattice, and the 2 and 7 become harmonious, consonant notes, rather than dissonant ones. The tonic still has great influence, so the entire chord feels unresolved — a 5 chord pulls very strongly toward the 1 chord, a property that is heavily relied upon in Western music. As long as the 5 is the root, though, the 2 and 7 will be consonant harmonies, because they are close to the 5 on the lattice.
Here is a movie to show how that works. The music starts with a tonic chord. Then, one at a time, the 2 and 7 are introduced. These notes are dissonant, and create a sense of tension against the tonic.
Then the root moves to the 5, and the character of the 2 and 7 changes. Now they form a major chord based on the 5, a harmonious configuration. They have become moons of Jupiter. Hear how the dissonance goes away? But there is still plenty of tension, as now there are three notes venturing away from the center, pulling the ear back toward home.
Then the root moves back to the 1, and the 2 and 7 collapse back in toward the center. There is a sense of arrival.
This movie illustrates another observation: consonance / dissonance and tension / resolution are not the same thing. They both relate to distance on the lattice, but they do not necessarily track together. When the root moves to the 5, the dissonance goes away, but there is a new tension, a drive to resolve toward the center. The ear remembers where home is, and longs for it.
These principles can be consciously used to create desired effects when writing and arranging. Resolution and consonance give the music beauty, and tension and dissonance give it teeth.
Next: Cadences
I absolutely loving your blog.
I don’t know where exactly should I put this comment, because it relates to all of your ideas about tonal gravity.
The points 1,3 and 4 I absolutely agree on, it’s great to see all this put so clearly. You say, though, that undertonal (reciprocal) notes are unstable and push away towards resolution, and in all your charts of polarity you put 1 on the bottom. I think there is an opposite field of attraction almost entirely overlooked by western music (save for plagal cadence), pulling towards undertones. Just listen how strongly does b2 3 4 b7 resolve onto 1 4 b6 1. In this kind of harmony, half-diminished chords would be “dominant” in a way, and chords are rooted at their fifths. It might be weaker by nature or we’re just unused to it, and it certainly has different character. It appears by applying point reflection to all harmonic relations in the lattice, or just inverting all the intervals.